What’s this? This isn’t the content usually on this blog! Why the sudden shift?
...No real reason. Just felt like doing it. I felt an urge, a need, to dive into the muddy waters of
Response articles. We’re gonna be looking at a response video to a response video on a controversy
that shouldn’t have existed.
Yeah, OK I’ll back up. Originally, this chain of events started with an outrage over people “slandering”
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the hot new video game, Cuphead, with accusations of racism, ableism and the likes. This got many
Gamers whipped up into anger, and you may have heard of this outrage bubble a while back. Later,
noted skull enthusiast Shaun and Jen did a video on this, and concluded that this outrage was born of
very little, and was most likely a fabrication in order for people to keep the outrage going. A rather good
video, worth a watch.
This is where a channel titled “I, Hypocrite” comes in. A lovely chap who’s made videos such as:
Clearly, nothing wrong here. Anyway, he made a video responding to Shaun’s previously mentioned
video, titled "Debunking Shaun's Manufactured Manufactured Cuphead Outrage". And in order to
complete this mad cycle of responses, I figured, why not have a go at it?
Before we get into it, a few disclaimers. I have not personally played Cuphead, although at this point
the game itself is hardly relevant to the discussion around it. I will not be covering every single point I,
Hypocrite makes in his video. Several times it devolves into insults, movie clips, and unrelated
tangents, so for the sake of time I will be sticking to his main arguments. Finally, I’d highly recommend
you watch Shaun’s video, again, for the sake of clarity here. I’d also recommend you watch I,
Hypocrite’s video, if you want to see his full argument and assurance that I’m not taking him out of
So, to begin, he first tackles Shaun’s overview of an AlphaOmegaSin video. Shaun makes the point
that AOS is making a big fuss over people calling Cuphead “Racist and Ableist”, however, no single
person is ever cited as saying it. It’s always “these people” who are saying it, at least, in the Alpha
video. This is a setup to the point of the whole video, and Shaun uses it as a launching off point to
discuss the strange lack of anyone specific claiming these things.
In order to refute this point, I, Hypocrite, makes a point of going through Twitter and finding people
who are actually calling Cuphead racist. He pulls up a couple of tweets and threads, and claims that
this shows that there are actually people calling Cuphead racist. He says, and I quote: “If only there
were websites known for this kind of behaviour, that we could maybe go to, and run a little search...
I guess it would behoove us to do 5 f***ing minutes of research, wouldn't it, Shaun?"
Now this is, honestly, a rather silly point to make, and it’s indicative of the larger issue Mr. Hypocrite
will keep encountering: he keeps flat out missing the point. He hears Shaun say “Who is calling
Cuphead racist?” finds some people using the word racist in relation to Cuphead, throws them up,
and laughs, thinking he’s defeated Shaun already. Thing is… he’s missing the larger point.
Cuphead racist?” finds some people using the word racist in relation to Cuphead, throws them up,
and laughs, thinking he’s defeated Shaun already. Thing is… he’s missing the larger point.
When Shaun says “AOS is whipping his audience up over nothing”, well, that’s what he’s saying. The
point is that Alpha (and later Ian Miles Cheong and CheekiScrump) never provide a good and proper
source for their opposition. Alpha never points out any specific tweets or anything, and *that* is the
point. Thing is, if you look hard enough, you can find people saying bloody well anything on Twitter. I
could find people making a serious case for the earth being totally hollow, but a few disparate people
on Twitter does not an opposition make. What Shaun is asking of these people is “where are the
legitimate, well thought out arguments?”, "Who are you mad at?", and so on and so forth.
The other, larger point I want to bring up is: how would the viewers of the Alpha video know? How
would the people who read the Scrump article know? None of these folks ever cite a specific person.
This is the second area in which I, Hypocrite misses the point: the video is overall about these figures
making people angry at nobody. Watch to the very end of Shaun’s video, and you’ll see that the overall
point is this “outrage at nothing”, and that very much applies even if there are some people doing it on
Twitter. How would the audiences know? No people were ever cited as saying it. Hypocrite is missing
the point, and trying to play “gotcha” without thinking of the video as a whole.
So then, onto his next major point, where he moves to people calling Cuphead ableist. Hypocrite takes
the same general tactic from last time and applies it to this point, finding people calling Cuphead
ableist… on… Shaun’s video?
I do hope you see the issue here. It’s rather unfair to take Shaun to task over things people have said,
y’know, after he posts his video. Because that’s when Youtube comments are posted. You can’t make
a comment before a video exists. Just, find better sources for your “gotcha” attempts, at least, please.
He proves nothing by only citing comments in the future. Perhaps he was attempting to make the point
that the sentiment was out there? Even that stretch falls flat, as the comments he cites are quite
reasonable, levelheaded expressions of disappointment with the lack of accessibility in the game. Not
much "outrage" going on here.
OK, next up: Hypocrite tackles the “game journalists are bad at games” point. He starts of by saying
“We know game’s journalists are biased against difficulty because of this tweet from one journalist
saying he’d stay away from Cuphead”, and then he goes through like, a few examples of people
working in games criticism who were bad at other games?
To get that 2nd point out of the way: no, a couple of games writers being bad at a couple of other
games proves nothing, and has nothing to do with Cuphead. You’re gonna need to cite people being
bad at Cuphead to make this point, which, of course, he never does.
Right, so, about that tweet he cited earlier. He cites one Ryan Bloom, the chief editor at a website titled
"Gaming Illustrated." What's funny about this is that I went through the site itself, and only found a
couple of articles that talked about Cuphead. What's in Your Box: Cheer to Greg is an article that says
Cuphead "lives up to every single bit of hype it built" and "Cuphead is a must have". Another article,
Cuphead E3 Preview: Disneyesque Death Trap, gives it a "best of E3 award" and the author claims
they "can't wait to play it". This doesn't seem to be a site biased against Cuphead, in fact, it's
praised it quite highly. Not a brilliant example of "biased journalists".
couple of articles that talked about Cuphead. What's in Your Box: Cheer to Greg is an article that says
Cuphead "lives up to every single bit of hype it built" and "Cuphead is a must have". Another article,
Cuphead E3 Preview: Disneyesque Death Trap, gives it a "best of E3 award" and the author claims
they "can't wait to play it". This doesn't seem to be a site biased against Cuphead, in fact, it's
praised it quite highly. Not a brilliant example of "biased journalists".
Alright, so, finally, the final point of this video, and if you could see me typing this out, you’d see me
giggling in anticipation. I, Hypocrite makes a, how shall we say, very silly mistake here, one that reveals
to us that he has barely looked into this issue at all.
His point here comes directly from the argument before, that games journalists are bad at games. He
then takes an offhand comment from Shaun about “beating the game fairly easily”, and extrapolates
from this that the real outrage from Gamers is that journalists are making a somewhat easy game
sound much harder, and lowering the bar for the medium as a whole. And I quote: “It's not good enough
to say 'well, this game's really f***ing hard but that's OK, we like it anyway' if the game isn't actually
that difficult."
to say 'well, this game's really f***ing hard but that's OK, we like it anyway' if the game isn't actually
that difficult."
If you know anything about Cuphead, you are probably giggling just like me at this. He has
fundamentally misunderstood this entire debacle. This whole outrage was about “Games Journalists
are bad at games, Cuphead is hard, how will they be fair to it?” Cuphead, is, pretty universally, known
as a hard game. That little comment Shaun made? That was a joke leading into his next statement,
where he sarcastically talks about how it qualifies him to talk about it. You want more concrete proof
that capital G Gamers think it’s hard? Here’s CheekiScrump referring to the game as difficult:
And I hope this speaks for itself in the end. This counterargument that I, Hypocrite has made fails to
look at the full issue, and is based of extreme amounts of extrapolating to shape the issue into
something he can use better, in his head. He misunderstands Shaun's points. He provides barely
relevant evidence to his own points. And overall, he has crafted a very scattered, pointless video, that
proves nothing and is a great case study in how not to refute an argument.
Thanks for reading, everyone. If you liked this stuff, I may be doing more, so look forward to that.
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day, and take care.
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day, and take care.